Who Are Your Lighthouses?

I recently attended an event for women, put on by my dear friend Megan Kuiper, and she introduced the idea of lighthouses in our lives. The people who are a beacon of light, who give us hope and help guide our way.

The first person that came to mind was my mom. She’s no longer with us, so I paused and wondered if she would “count”. I quickly knew that was foolish to think as other women in the room shared their own stories of mothers no longer here on earth, who still serve as a lighthouse to them. My mom was one of the most kind and caring people I know - still. She was always giving of herself, taking care of her family was a priority, she gave her all to her job, loved her friends, and was so much fun. We will all experience the loss of a loved one in our lives, and it is devastatingly difficult. I find comfort in the fact that my mom lived her life in a way that left a legacy of love behind…for her family to feel and be guided by even in her absence.

It also has me thinking about who needs me to be a lighthouse for them. How can I be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend, so that I am a lighthouse to those who need me to be one.

Two of my other lighthouses are shown below, in some of their Halloween creations over the years…Taylor & Olivia, you inspire me with the way you’ve grown and the love you share. I am grateful everyday that I get to be your mom. ❤️


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