When you started your business, what was the first thing on your mind?
Getting clients? Creating the BEST product in your field? Maybe it was, how in the world am I going to pull this off??
We ALL have those thoughts, believe it!
That’s where branding comes in. Big Beautiful Branding.
Branding is more than finding a logo, picking your favorite color and hitting ‘publish’ on your website and assets. There is some real strategy that will help you showcase your authentic self, differentiate your message and stay innovative, allowing you to scale and GROW.
You want to create with authenticity. Connecting with your ideal clients doesn’t happen by accident - and inauthentic branding can place you in the wrong rooms. Your ideal clients connect with you on a deeper level than you might think, and that level is your authenticity. For example - how many different photography companies are out there? The choices are vast, and by showing your authentic self, your ideal clients will be drawn to you. Those that don’t align will find their own connections and choose accordingly. You can’t be everything to everyone, nor should you try. Your people are out there, and if you are authentic, they find you.
It’s kinda magical when it’s done well.
While we’re at it, let’s also stand out from the competition. What’s your differentiator? What makes YOU the only game in town? Branding can help to nail that down with the images and messaging being consistent and creative. Finding multiple ways to share the same message is a gold mine. You can share over and over, and when the time is right, clients are certain that they want to work with you - and ONLY you.
Speaking of creative, how’s your creative game? If you struggle to find your creative voice and identity, I hear ya. I really do! Even as a designer, it’s not a switch that I flip. It takes time and effort, and my brain really has to stretch to find the messages. And, I’ve been doing this a LONG time! But it’s worth it. And when I do hit that creative sweet spot, it’s like, game ON! The ideas flow and become an organic extension of my clients’ messages. Dreamy.
As we grow and evolve in our business, we know that our traditional brand needs to embrace innovation as well. Staying where we are does not get us where we need to go. That’s where rebranding comes into play. Keeping the elements that make you authentic and draw your ideal audience evolves over time and sometimes small tweaks in branding and messaging capture that. Sometimes they are bigger, sweeping changes that redefine you.
Wherever you are in your branding journey, know that it’s all within reach.
You have the ability to do what energizes you and to partner on the rest. I team up with clients at their level of genius all the time. If you are a creative warrior looking for an eye to interpret your DIY vision, we can connect and I’m happy to give my designer review. If you are the one that says I don’t have a creative bone in my body, I can help you to cut through the noise, get clear with your vision and voice and hit the high notes.
All levels are welcome, and we can partner where YOU need support. I invite you to grab some time on my calendar and let’s find out what your branding evolution is. Let’s GO!
Design Principle: White Space
The other day, I opened my mailbox to find the usual: some bills (of course), a couple of special offers JUST for me (nobody falls for those), a ‘You’ve WON’ envelope (spoiler alert: No, I didn’t), and one other eye catching piece of mail…. a menu from a restaurant, designed to entice me into visiting and spending my hard earned money there.
The problem? I did not know where to look. The offerings, some of which looked fantastic, were kind of…. Crowded. Undefined. Just…. Crowded.
Which made me confused. Which is never a good way to entice your clients. What were their actual specialties? What are they KNOWN for? And, show me the deals please! If I’m going to head in with my girlfriends for a happy hour, what’s on deck?
What exactly will I be spending my money on, and what exactly will I be getting?
Their design lacked something. Their overloaded menu was, believe it or not, shy on one element: White Space.
A design principle used for clarity, white space isn’t always literally the color white. What this refers to is the blank areas surrounding other elements of design. In this case, it was the areas that would define the establishment’s signature item, the areas that would indicate where my eyes can quickly find the deals of the day and the ability to show clarity and hierarchy.
Every business has their specialty, and that’s what I would have liked to see showcased here. You cannot have 40 specialties, and when I looked at this menu, that’s what it appeared to me. Confusion set in as I failed to find any hierarchy that might indicate that THIS was the thing we do best! The rest is great, but you CAN’T MISS this item!
That’s the message your assets should be indicating.
Knowing how to design for maximum impact without confusion involves the use of white space. Guiding the eyes subtly to where YOU want them to go is an art. You can adjust space between text and images to help define the space and guide your viewer in making their choices.
White space can be large blocks, smaller blocks or even highlights. We can intentionally add highlighting for emphasis and to really hit home that THIS is what you wanted to see!
When someone looks at a too-crowded flyer, landing page or menu without any white space to define the offerings, the client’s eyes start to glaze over while they look for another option that provides a clear path to where they want to spend their money.
Confused clients don’t buy. Clarity sells.
Creating beautiful and impactful designs takes a little work, and that’s why I’m SO excited to share that I’m creating a course for DIY’ers of ALL levels! My goal is to help you go from Blah to Beautiful and know that your ideal clients will NOT see an overcrowded menu, but rather a lovely, clear and defined offering that will get them ready to buy your specialty.
If you are interested in stretching YOUR creative muscles, email me here and get on the list for an early invitation to my upcoming course on how to take your designs from Blah to Beautiful!
Launching SOON so get on the list! See you there!
Take the Color Challenge and tell me what YOU see!
What do you see with your eyes closed?
It’s not a riddle, it’s a real question. What do you ‘see’ when you close your eyes? Specifically, when you read (or hear) certain words, what images do they conjure up in your mind?
Here is an example. Read these three words below, and then close your eyes. Think about the images that come to mind when you close them up tight:
Now, what did you see in your mind’s eye? Maybe crayons, like the regular yellow, green and blue, right? Nothing super exciting.
Let’s try again:
Did your vision change? Mine did. I see a beautiful yellow glowing sunset. I see a pop of bright, juicy green - like a lime! And, I see a lovely expanse of blue ocean, mirroring up to the blue sky…as I’m sitting on the beach, of course.
I ask this question to illustrate to you that this is ONE of the ways that we dial in to what makes your unique brand and images. When I meet with clients, we get specific and granular with what these words mean visually. I need to dial in so that I understand the tone of your brand and the vision you have, so the more descriptive for me, the better!
When we are unclear, the vision can get hazy. These are broad colors over a huge spectrum, and there are a million different descriptions that can help your minds’ eye to ‘see’ them more vividly.
Isn’t it fascinating how language can impact what we see, even when it’s not there?
You have a vision in your mind, and part of my job as a designer meeting with a client, is to get you to hone in on the words that help me to create what you ‘see’. If you tell me to give your image a green background, I’m grasping at straws. Could be a pine color, could be a grass color, could be a pop of lime. Could be bright or muted. Deep or a faded wash.
The client experience is only elevated by clear communication, and that’s where we’ll go. Working together is a fun and joyous adventure, and I don’t take that responsibility lightly!
So, tell me what YOU see! When you close your eyes and think of the first set of instructions, do you see the plain crayon colors? And when we add those descriptors, do you SEE the saturated, vibrant color differently? I’d love to know your thoughts!
How do we 'business' in Summer? By preparing.
Summer! It’s here and we’re here for it! In beautiful Wisconsin, the warmth is fleeting, so we’ll take any chance to get out and get the sun rays on our faces (with SPF, obvi).
Depending on your business, you may be in a bit of a summer slow down - which, as entrepreneurs, can get a little uncomfortable. Before you pull that sunhat down over your face, let’s talk about some ways that you can maximize your time during this change in the seasons when your clients are out and about (and maybe not quite as active as normal!).
I like to regroup and take a moment to review where I’m at and where I’m going. Then, I use that review to start my preparation for the next season’s success.
Growth: Do I have all the tools that I need to grow? It’s a good time to look at your infrastructure - is your website doing right by you? Are there outdated events, links or messaging that should change?
CRM: Does your CRM need a little TLC? Find out who you have in your CRM and start to reconnect or archive them - a little housekeeping now will save you headaches as you grow!
Team Structure: Do I need more team support, or power partners to outsource project deliverables to? As a graphic designer, I’m always thrilled to be considered for the important projects that my clients in marketing, social media management, event planning or web design have for their clients - being entrusted with these important projects is an honor!
Branding Review: What is my current branding and imaging saying about me? Have I evolved and need to make changes to the images or messages - maybe it's even time for a logo refresh or a review of your color palate and mood board. I love to review these with clients and find out where we can make little punches that make a BIG impact!
Self Care: What does my schedule look like and where does self care fit in? As mentioned, the Wisconsin summers are short by comparison to winter, let’s make sure to get out and get moving while we can. That might mean being more intentional with your time and your client work and sales outreach, not allowing them to encroach upon the time you set aside for you.
Summer slow downs are actually great times to rev up. By the time the fall rush comes around, you’ll be ahead of the pack!
I remember a quote from Oprah that is worth repeating, ‘For me, luck is preparation meeting the moment of opportunity. There is no luck without you being prepared to handle that moment of opportunity. Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for the moment that is to come.’
If you’d like to connect to make sure YOU are prepared, grab some time on my calendar. I’d love to take this time to review your design needs and set us up for success. Planning together now can help YOU and your team to get ready for the big projects and exciting opportunities to come your way!
We can make time AND still enjoy the summer season, so let’s do it! Cheers!
Design GOLD at the end of the Rainbow!
It might sound overly simplistic, but the fact is that great design can get you noticed. It can take your message from blah to brilliant in just a few easy steps, and that impacts your wallet.
If your ideal client can identify you with an image, they stop the scroll. Making sure that your images are working for you isn’t difficult, but it does take effort. Simple design principles are key, and applying these to your graphics can make a difference in the way you present yourself.
Proximity can be used to show relationships in your content. By grouping like items together, using font, color and size, you draw the eye of the client to the relationship of the items. Think about when you look at a menu, you might see headers that look the same in font, color and size, and then items underneath with similar characteristics that are grouped for ease and continuity.
White space gives you a crisp look and the simplicity can be very appealing to the clients’ eye. This doesn’t always mean literal ‘white space’ on the image, but perhaps a background that is simple and uncluttered. Even our eyes need a moment to relax and take in the message!
Alignment helps you create order, not chaos in your designs. Have you ever seen a flyer or mailer with SO much going on that your eyes aren’t sure where to land? Alignment can help to structure the way that you observe and absorb the information, creating peace and order.
Being a professional designer for over 25 years (crazy, I know! I started when I was 5, FYI), these principles are instinctive to me. But they aren’t for everybody, and that’s ok. They can be taught, and with practice, mastered. You, too, can create with pride and showcase YOUR personal style.
These principles, and more, are the key to creating images that will help you reach that pot of gold! If I’ve piqued your interest, send me a note at theresa@wilmotdesigns.com and I’ll send you information on my upcoming course, Blah to Brilliant Designs, and YOU can learn how to make DIY look like a professional project. Unleash your creativity and grow in your skills at the same time!
Let’s Talk About Influential Women.
March is in the rearview mirror, but worth noting that it is a celebratory month - for all the women of the world! A chance to recognize and reflect on the impact that strong women have had on us in all walks of life.
(Sidebar: Really, every month is a time to celebrate influential women. Shouldn’t we be doing that DAILY? I agree. But, because it was just the month of March where we ‘officially’ get to celebrate fantastic women, let’s focus this blog post on celebrating ladies.)
In the U.S., there are about 12.3 million women-owned businesses*, and worldwide, we make up 43% of all entrepreneurs**. No longer waiting in the wings for our chance to contribute, we are creating our own path to success. We are valued and innovative in the business world as decision makers, creative contributors, tech geniuses, financial titans and more. There is no industry that women aren’t putting their stamp on, and we have no plans to stop.
The effort and determination shown by trailblazing women have inspired and impacted the world. We honor and respect their commitment to breaking the glass across industries. Let’s name check a few and reflect on their successes.
Decision Makers: How about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg? A decision maker of the highest level, she worked her way up from attorney to Justice, fighting for gender equality and women’s rights as the Notorious R.B.G. and left an indelible impression on the world.
Creative Contributors: Maya Angelou’s compilations of poetry and her memoirs have stood the test of time to showcase her lovely spirit, strength and conviction.
Tech Geniuses: Sheryl Sandberg held positions at Google and Facebook, helping to shape the landscape of tech and social media as we know it. And then, she wrote a book about her leadership, and we all had to ‘Lean In’ for a moment.
Financial Titans: Not a celebrity in the traditional sense, and you may have not heard her name, but I bet you use the products she’s responsible for…. Catherine Lesjak is the CFO of Hewlett-Packard, and if you are working at home, I bet you have an HP Printer somewhere!
Now, here’s a question for you. Which of these do you MOST align with? Which avatar are you amongst these powerhouse women, blazing trails all over the world?
If you are a mom, wife, teacher or businesswoman, you are a Decision Maker. The R.B.G.s of the world run hard, and make things happen.
If you create - whether it is content, statistics, delicious meals, beautiful crafts, woodworking, or glorious emails or blogs (ahem.), you are a Creative Contributor. The world sees more crisp, clear and exciting colors because of what you bring.
If you are a consumer of tech in any fashion, go ahead and consider yourself a Tech Genius. Tech literally evolves daily, and if you have kept up with social media, websites, You Tube, glorious emails or blogs (again, ahem.), you are officially a Tech Genius and allowed to call yourself such.
How about a Financial Titan? Do you make money, spend money, save money or want more money? Me too. That makes us Financial Titans in our own right, and whatever way we choose to define our relationship with finances is our choice, and ours alone.
These examples serve a purpose here ladies. The illustration I’m showing is that we are actually all of these powerhouses. We don’t live in one silo. We don’t make a decision and then stop in our tracks, clap our hands and declare that our work here is done. We make the decision, and then we create. And we shout it out on the tech. And we make the money we deserve to make when our creative efforts get released into the world.
When I look around, I’m surrounded by strong, smart and determined women. Everywhere.
My dream for all of you is to fully recognize the impact you have in the world. Go out there, knowing your worth and sharing your gifts. As a mom of two daughters, this is the example I strive to set for them so that they will know that they are enough. They’ll go out there and share their gifts, paying it forward for generations.
What a lofty goal.
Let’s get there. See you at the top of the mountain ladies.
*Statistic courtesy of writersblocklive.com
**Statistic courtesy of techreport.com
Let's Explore the Color of the Year
I’m not sure anyone else gets as excited as I do for the Pantone Color of the Year, but it makes me smile to see what ‘wins’ this prestigious award! And, if you are scratching your head at the previous sentence, here’s a little backstory.
It’s actually fascinating if you think about it. The language of color is being used to illustrate the intersection of pop culture, trends and a reflection of the emotions of the times.
The Pantone Color Institute created the Color of the Year educational program in 1999 (not 2000 as I originally thought!). It was originally created to draw the interest of the design community and those interested in color to start a conversation on color and its impact on the world around us. Color has the ability to express and reflect the emotions and feelings in the global community.
Yes, feelings - color can express feelings. Think about that for a moment. Blue feels calm and serene. Orange feels exciting and energetic. Pink feels happy and joyous.
How is the color of the year selected? Who has input on the choice?
There is a global team of experts in color and design that spends the better part of a year discussing the global trends and research that will result in the color selection. The selection is influenced by many factors, including entertainment, fashion, travel, social media and more. The experts arrive at their choice absent of commercial agenda or personal preferences. There are secret meetings to discuss and debate, and then the selection is revealed. And this year we have….. (drumroll):
Peach Fuzz
The color represents a calming, nurturing sensibility. It embraces the youthful and the timeless in a compassionate, gentle presentation. You’ll see this color in designs, fashion, social media and more.
Since its creation 25 years ago, it has reached a much larger audience than the design world - it has become a recognizable symbol of the feelings and emotions of the times. Which is pretty cool. I can’t wait to see all the ways that Peach Fuzz will integrate into our culture and leave its lovely imprint on 2024!
Values, Mission, Branding - Yep, They Go Together!
Creativity is explosive and abundant in the new year! Small Business Owners spend time goal setting, thinking over new options for serving their clients, and sometimes a brand refresh is a good match for these exciting possibilities.
It’s always a good idea to review your brand and make sure that the visual representation of your business continues to showcase you in your best light. You want to be easily identified by your ideal clients to allow them to stay connected to your message.
Sometimes year to year we change and evolve just enough to make small adjustments to our branding. Fonts, colors, images all matter and deserve a little TLC. You need to make sure that your vision is aligned with your brand. A confused client is going to move along, so we have to make it easy and clear to connect who we are, who we serve and what we do. Words alone aren’t enough, the visual is the puzzle piece you won’t want to miss.
Social media matters too. Are your graphics and images fresh? You want to get the attention of your clients so they’ll stop the scroll, and eye-catching graphics can be just the ticket. You know what a great social media campaign looks like and how it makes you feel - just like what an underwhelming one feels like. Yes, feels like, not looks like. These images connect us to our feelings, like excitement, joy, confidence, and that is what your graphics say to your ideal clients.
Working with a designer can take the stress out of the process. It’s a challenge to come up with the visual representation of your brand, and a designer knows the questions to ask and the conversations to have. Part of the fun is the discovery - what are the colors, fonts and images that feel like you? What makes you smile when you see it, and makes you want to show it off to the world? When we get to THAT part of the process, the sun shines brightly!
You want to have recognition for the right reasons, and that’s what we are creating. And, evolving. Your business, and therefore, your images, are a work in progress. Where you started may be taking you on a journey that you want to celebrate. And putting the vibrant, crisp colors and patterns to the journey will help your ideal clients come along with you. They’ll be excited to see where you are going, and their interest will stay with you and your business.
If you would like a brand assessment, I’m here for you. Book some time on my calendar for a no obligation zoom and we’ll talk details. I’d love to see how your business is evolving and be part of the planning to move you into the future!
Remember that values, mission and branding all go together. Aligning now translates to money in your pocket later. Let’s do this!
Client Spotlight: Elevate Brand Photography
What a treat it was to work on this project with Katie Soyka! I am so proud of the way this turned out, I have to share it with you. Katie and I connected to work on her branding as she was building out her business, and I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to collaborate with her. As we discovered more about each other, we were able to organically design her brand as a visual representation of who she is and what she delivers.
Katie shines as the founder and brand photographer behind Elevate Brand Photography based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She helps businesses elevate their brand through beautiful and clean photos, as well as brand education and strategy.
As a professional photographer, her visual brand was of particular importance, and we treated it as such. We took our time as I was able to bring out the message and values that would showcase her considerable talents. We chose the mood and vibe to represent her sensibilities and draw in her ideal clients.
Getting to know Katie was a pleasure. Keeping her philosophy in mind, knowing that she believes that when women invest in themselves through professional photography, they step into their power and raise their voice, we were able to create a work of art to showcase her art. She works to cultivate "know, love and trust" with ideal clients through strong brands and stunning images, and I’m so thrilled to have been a part of that journey.
Katie herself was so pleased with the designs, she shared this feedback with me:
‘I am incredibly grateful to have Wilmot Designs as a part of my entrepreneurial journey! When I met Theresa we connected on a lot of levels. She took the time to understand the services I offered and my ultimate business goals. She has not only guided me with logo and color help through two re-brands, but has become a trusted collaborator and friend.’
Follow Katie on Instagram, and be sure to look over her website and see the magic in action. I highly recommend her services if you want professional photography services that show you in your best, strongest and most confident light. Investing in yourself is always on brand!
Reflections on 2023
And just like that, 2023 is in the rearview mirror. What a whirlwind it’s been.
I always like to take a moment to reflect on the year and celebrate the good stuff. It brings so much joy to remember all the struggles and how we’ve come out on the other side. Gratitude goes a long way toward a happy and joyful season, so here are a few things that I’m grateful for in 2023:
Movement. I was able to be consistent with moving my body, which keeps the mind, heart and soul youthful. Meeting up with amazing, fit friends like Megan Kuiper always helps! Combining fitness and friends is the BEST!
Business. I was able to work with so many amazing clients and help them to create the branding and designs of their dreams. Check out some of the work that I did with Jaime Shibley at the Expressory - we both love the way this project turned out!
Networking. Attending the Idea Collective Conference in November was the kick off to a fun end of the year! I LOVE this event, seeing friends old and new, brainstorming, idea slamming, and reconnecting for power partnerships that last a lifetime. Designing the event assets is something I am particularly proud of, I love to help events come to life with their designs!
Family. I mean, need I say more. Spending time with my family is my way to de-stress and remember what’s truly important.
So, we just put a big, red bow on 2023 because it’s a wrap. That means new and exciting things ahead for the new year - a fresh start to listen, learn and grow. New opportunities to connect and network. So much on the horizon, so much to look forward to.
But, I made time to enjoy the holidays. I was able to slow down, enjoy, share gratitude and hug the ones I love. This time is magical for a reason, so embrace the joy and laughter and let that guide you into the next adventures. Bring on 2024!
Lots of love from me to you! 💗Cheers!
Give the Gift of Design!
Have you thought about giving yourself a gift this season? I don’t mean buying a shiny new object of some kind that you don’t need that will sit on a shelf. I mean a REAL gift. The gift of time and peace of mind.
Working with a Designer can be just that - a gift for your business! Take the stress out of trying to wear all the hats. Partner with someone who has your best interests in mind and wants to make sure that your business represents your mission and values.
Not sure what it looks like to work with a Designer?
A review of your branding is a great start. Look at what works, what doesn’t, what is causing your ideal clients confusion. What is off topic that was once important. Making changes as you evolve and grow is part of the experience of working with a Designer.
Consistency is key, so your images across all platforms should align in design - color, fonts, mood, vibe. A Designer has the job of keeping these things consistent in how you are represented, including social media, newsletter graphics, and more.
Events are in full swing, and in-person is having a revival! That means that assets are in demand, and if you are an event host or sponsor, let’s make sure that we choose an item that best represents you (a program booklet? Lanyard? Table signs?) and then make sure that the graphics are crisp, clean and easily identifiable as you.
Even though in-person is great, virtual is still here to stay. So, slide decks for presentations should be top notch. Fonts, graphics, spacing, colors, you need ALL these details in line (no design pun intended!) to make sure that you look your best so that your audience isn’t distracted by a less-than-stellar slide presentation.
Newsletters, blogs, banners, flyers, speaker one-sheets, and MORE……..Did you know that a Designer can help with ALL of these? Yep. It’s true.
There are so many ways that a Designer can partner with you to help you make all these choices easy. When we connect, the process starts with getting to know one another and moving ahead in our relationship, growing together and knowing what works for you.
Working with a Designer is much more than graphics and fonts. It’s bringing your brand to life visually. It’s connecting with someone who is invested in showing you in your best light, to your ideal clients. If you are curious, let’s connect and chat - I’d love to tell you more about what I can do to support your growing business!
Creating Event Assets - How is 2024 Looking for You?
Many of you know my connection and involvement with the Idea Collective Community, and it won’t surprise you that they happen to produce my favorite conference of the year. Each fall, the Idea Collective Conference brings together amazing small business owners from all over the country, and we can learn, laugh, and connect.
It is always a time of reflection on the past year, learning from incredible community members and inspiring keynote speakers. This year I was introduced to Marcus Lemonis, Hally Brooke, and Megan Reilly - each one brilliant in their own way. I’ve linked them so you can discover more for yourself! :)
What might surprise you is that I am part of the magic - this year, I was fortunate enough to partner for the 3rd year in a row with Pat Miller and his team to do the graphics for the event. And, it might surprise you even more to find out what is involved with a Conference of this size and making sure that the assets are high quality representations of the businesses that support the mission.
I work with Pat’s team to make sure the Idea Collective brand AND their sponsors are properly represented. This includes signage, table tents, name badges, program notebook (a truly valuable piece with staying power!), buttons, merchandise, and more!
As you can imagine, this doesn’t happen with the snap of your fingers. There is a comprehensive project plan in place with dates, deadlines, asset collection, proofing, editing and more. As the event gets closer, we meet regularly to review new submissions from sponsors, make changes to graphics or agendas, check all links and QR codes and make sure that we are ready to roll when the event kicks off. There are plenty of tracking mechanisms in place to make sure that the deliverables match the event in the size, scope and quality - all of which are impeccable if I do say so myself! 😀
As someone who has done this for many years, I love partnering with event planners and businesses to create the assets of their dreams! Each piece is designed with the end goal in mind - to inform, delight and provide a visual representation of the hard work that goes into the production of events.
If you are planning an event and you would like to connect to find out more about the services that I can provide, find some time on my calendar here. We can talk about your own dreams for your event, whether it is a business conference, a milestone business anniversary or award presentation, or even a fun retirement party for a long-time associate!
As a bonus, I also work with an incredible printer, so I’ve got you covered from start to finish! Let’s chat about what your calendar year looks like and how I can support you in 2024!
Client Spotlight: Team Up with Families
I love working with clients that touch my heart, and a fun and exciting project that I was able to complete was with Team Up For Families. Founded in 1997 by a small group of parents of special needs children, their goal was to enrich the lives of families like theirs using recreation, education, and support and allowing these families to tackle their challenges and recognize the joys of life.
As a volunteer-driven organization, they provide unique family-centered activities that are physically inclusive and fun. This includes an equipment lending library, Katy’s Kloset, which accepts and distributes donated durable medical equipment and supplies to adults and children at no or low cost.
Finding out more about this wonderful company allowed me to help them create and design a logo and social media graphics that would serve as a connection to their mission. I worked with their team to find the colors, graphics, and images that would represent them and allow them to put out communication materials and have a presence that was unified and connected.
One of the goals of this rebrand was to bring together two different entities of the organization - Team Up with Families AND the more well-known Katy’s Kloset. Along with this, they have other areas of service (volunteers, activities, giving) that they wanted the flexibility to expand the brand to cover.
As with all rebranding, the discovery process was an important part of the project. We met to learn everything we could about the organization, its mission, and its values. We identified keywords that evoke their mood and some of the key points that they identify as the feelings they want families to experience when working with them, and then I was able to zone in on this and make it the focal point of their visual brand.
The icon we landed on represents 4 people connected with a heart center. The arms are up in a joyful and open expression, and the heart center is truly what makes Team Up with Families the organization that it is. The colors are bright, fun, and playful, another way that families can visually connect with the brand and know what to expect when partnering with them.
This project really was a joy to complete, and I am so proud to be a supporter of their mission! Discovering everything that I can about the businesses that I am fortunate enough to partner with is the most fun and rewarding part of the process. The visual embodiment of their branding comes through so naturally when the connection is made, and I cannot wait to see how far they can soar.
Please visit their site for more information, to volunteer or donate! My sincere thanks to all at Team Up with Families for making this project a breeze and a success!
Holiday Magic & Your Brand!
There are ways to incorporate your design palette into holiday newsletters, emails and posts. Find the colors that most closely match your brand when designing your fun communication. For example, if you are a bright, energetic brand, choose some fun and bold colors for your messaging. If you favor muted tones in your branding, consider those when creating content.
You can also choose images that represent you and your brand to ensure that your seasonal messaging stays consistent. If images such as cartoon turkeys and Santas fit your bill, you can find plenty to choose from. If your brand is more buttoned up, find an elegant tablescape or winter landscape to use for sharing.
We all want to celebrate the season, and it adds a fun and personal touch to our business lives. So, go for it! The extra fun is showing off the magic and sparkle with YOUR unique touch! There is no reason that your ‘fun’ holiday posts need to be cookie-cutter (even if you are posting pictures of your holiday baking by the way!).
Your ideal clients identify with your unique branding, so show them the spirit of the season while staying true to your own ideals. You’ve created and cultivated your brand, so use it wisely - continuity will make an impact. Imagine that your clients are scrolling on social and come upon your holiday messaging - you want them to immediately associate that with YOU and your values.
Who Are Your Lighthouses?
I recently attended an event for women, put on by my dear friend Megan Kuiper, and she introduced the idea of lighthouses in our lives. The people who are a beacon of light, who give us hope and help guide our way.
The first person that came to mind was my mom. She’s no longer with us, so I paused and wondered if she would “count”. I quickly knew that was foolish to think as other women in the room shared their own stories of mothers no longer here on earth, who still serve as a lighthouse to them. My mom was one of the most kind and caring people I know - still. She was always giving of herself, taking care of her family was a priority, she gave her all to her job, loved her friends, and was so much fun. We will all experience the loss of a loved one in our lives, and it is devastatingly difficult. I find comfort in the fact that my mom lived her life in a way that left a legacy of love behind…for her family to feel and be guided by even in her absence.
It also has me thinking about who needs me to be a lighthouse for them. How can I be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend, so that I am a lighthouse to those who need me to be one.
Two of my other lighthouses are shown below, in some of their Halloween creations over the years…Taylor & Olivia, you inspire me with the way you’ve grown and the love you share. I am grateful everyday that I get to be your mom. ❤️
Creative Client Gifting
Creative client gifting can happen at any time during the year, NOT just the ‘holiday season’! Do you have a particular holiday that is meaningful to you? Something fun or light that you just enjoy?
Halloween might be that holiday for you, or Thanksgiving, or New Years, none of which are traditionally gift giving holidays. Maybe it is a chance to share your love for the season in an unexpected way!
Send a handwritten note to a client
In the age of digital, fast moving everything, a handwritten note will immediately stand out for the effort and thoughtfulness. Write a short message about what the holiday means to you and why you wanted to share your joy with them. You can have a fun, branded card or stationery to send it on, and you will be front of mind each time they see it!Share a small gift for fun
Candy for Halloween or a gratitude journal for Thanksgiving are a couple of things that come to mind. There are ways to connect with the people that you work with and serve that will remind them why they chose you in the first place.Make it personal
On the flip side, perhaps a client has shared with you a small piece of information on what their favorite holiday or season is. Find a way to capture that information, bookmark it, and then surprise them when you send them a note or small gift to celebrate their personal favorite. You’ll stand out from the crowd every time!
If thinking about this feels overwhelming - reach out to me. I have a client who specializes in helping you strategically engage with your clients through thoughtful and memorable gift-giving. They are wonderful at it and an option if you are immediately thinking you don’t have time for this!
Digging Into Design
One of the services I offer is custom brand development for your business. Simply put, your brand’s purpose is to communicate your unique product or service and differentiate you from your competitors. Once we develop your initial brand - to include your logo, color palette, images and fonts - there are a number of ways to build it out in your marketing assets, both print and digital.
A recent favorite branding project was for a very good friend of mine, Megan Kuiper, who launched her business MK Life on Purpose at the beginning of the year. When she enters a room, she fills it with her energy and positivity that immediately brings you along for the ride! She works with individuals and teams to get them feeling healthy, energized and confident so they can be the best versions of themselves - and in turn, crush their goals and achieve their dreams.
When you look at her site, you can get a picture of what it’s like to work with her. Go check it out for a minute, I’ll wait here.
Well, what did you see? Did you see that she brings energy, excitement and connection? Did you get a sense of her joy and spark? And find the clear information needed to decide on working with her? I bet you did. The choices that we collaborated on to bring these to life are there for you on the page. Branding encompasses the identity of your business, drawing in your ideal client. It will capture their attention. It communicates Megan’s identity and values - and for you, the right branding can make the first impression hit home with YOUR ideal clients!
Not sure how that happens? That’s where I come in. Dialing in to your visual identity is a fun part of the process. We’ll take some time to dig into your design, find out what makes you unique, what colors, fonts, and designs will best showcase your personal style.
If you are looking to elevate your business and dig into design, let’s talk.
Thinking about a Brand Reassessment?
2023 has felt really FULL to me - you too?!! Hard to believe that we are in Q4 and making our plans for the year to come. Many of us are in the process of setting budgets, planning events and establishing initiatives for the coming year. Does your planning include a brand reassessment or a reevaluation of what you might need in the way of marketing assets? It’s a great time to make sure that your marketing assets still align with your business goals, and communicate effectively to your target market.
A brand reassessment can include a comprehensive review of where you are currently and where you would like to go. For some of us, the brand we have is still relevant, current and recognizable. For others, an evolution may have taken place which has rendered our original branding outdated or a mismatch for where we would like to go.
You may be in need of social media graphics that match your website colors and fonts. You may be in need of images that represent your changing team or client base. Maybe you need to update your service offerings to make sure that clients know all the ways you can solve their problems.
Having a current and consistent brand package can make your clients feel connected to you and your business. They become familiar with your visual representation and it’s comforting, clear in its messaging and easy to find. Inconsistencies with your brand visuals and messaging can feel confusing.
One of the things that small businesses rely on is making things easy - for your client, for your teams and for yourself as a small business owner! A deep dive brand reassessment can help your confidence, checking that box off your to-do list and making sure that you are removing friction for your clients.
Some thoughts to consider when it comes to your marketing assets are:
Do I have a strong brand in place?
You’ve been marketing to your audience for 8 solid months now, does your brand identity still speak to them? Your target market may have evolved over the year or maybe you’ve found a new one that you are looking to target. Take a look at how your current brand speaks to your ideal client and decide whether or not it’s time for a change.
Have you updated your website or social media graphics?
Keeping your website updated signals that the “lights are on” and also encourages people to stay on your site longer. This increased engagement can positively influence your SEO rankings as well.
Is your imaging consistent?
As you widen the scope where you share your messaging, has it stayed consistent? Do the images, colors and fonts on all social media graphics align with your branding? When creating quick graphics to share, is there an easier way for you to do that and remain consistent with your branding? If you aren’t sure if the channels are all consistent, it’s time to regroup and standardize your messaging.
Do you have a sales sheet or brochure that properly communicates the service you provide?
This could be improving on something you already have OR realizing that during the year you added a service or offering that isn’t included in your current marketing piece. Time to update!
Taking the time to evaluate where you are -with your brand and marketing assets- and making it happen in Q4, will ensure that you finish 2023 strong!! Make it as easy as possible for your ideal clients and prospects to find and connect with you!
Welcome to 2022! Have a "word" yet?
I love this time of the year. It feels magical to me. The leading up to it with Christmas celebrations - treasured time with family and friends and the joy of gift-giving…and receiving! The week in between Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve - whether you travel, clean and organize your home or just relax and reflect on the past year. Then New Year’s Eve - the final day of the year - a time to celebrate all of the memories you made - and maybe some you’d like to close the door on.
January is full of the hope that comes with new beginnings. And for me, that goes past the first few days - or week. I have been enjoying reading everyone’s reflections, their visions for the new year, the goals they are setting, and the word they chose to encompass what they hope to achieve in the months to come.
My word for the year is: JOY.
I have some big goals for my business, and where I’d like to see it go, but not at the expense of losing joy in my days. By joy - I’m talking big and small and in all areas of my life. My goal is to not only create more of it, but to take time, daily, to express gratitude for those moments. Though I do this currently, it doesn’t happen as consistently as I’d like. This year my goal is to make it happen intentionally - every day.
My family - spending more intentional time with them. Date nights with Chris (need more!). My oldest will leave for college in the fall and I’m not letting her go without making the most of the time I have left with her under our roof! My youngest will have her driver’s license by the end of the year. Parents - you see where this is going. 😉
My friends - more time set aside for getting together or connecting in some way. I find phone calls can be such a rare treat in this world of texting and social media - time to hear more voices this year! And who doesn’t love a card in the mail?! There are many different ways to connect with friends and I’m going to use them!
My nutrition & exercise - there is joy in the ability to move your body and eat well. While I won’t argue the joy in chocolate and french fries - I also know the joy of going through my day with a well-fueled body.
My work - I truly love the work that I do. Whether I am branding a business to help them reach their ideal customers, supporting an internal marketing team to communicate promotions, or creating internal communications that deliver the intended message with clarity and ease to the reader - I enjoy every aspect of design that I am involved in and the people I work with. My goal here is to keep the joy in all of this by also knowing when to “turn it off”. That’s the tough part when you love what you do - right?! I’ve learned the hard way that burnout is a real thing and that I am much more productive and effective when I take the necessary time away from work.
I’d love to know if you have a word for the year and what it means to you!
You need a break. Take one!
I am finishing my first week back from vacation (a short week, thank you holiday!) and I feel like a new woman!
It is true for any one of us, but even more so if you are an entrepreneur or small business owner. You need a break. A real one. One where you don’t check email every day…or at least not really well. 😉 It had been 3 years since I had unplugged for a week and I had forgotten just how wonderful - and important - it is to step away from your day-to-day and unplug.
Here are a few things you will gain from doing so:
Giving your mind space to “run around” allows you to see things more clearly. It’s like hitting the restart button in your brain. 🤩
Stepping out of your day-to-day surroundings and seeing new things - even in your own town - allows you to refresh the creative side of your brain. And we all use creativity in our days! ✏️🎨
One of my favorite things about the vacation I just took was that it was with my family - Chris & the girls. It was time that we were together without anyone running off to work, practice, rehearsal, a friend’s house…we were together and it was wonderful. ❤️
How often do you need a break? I do believe that varies from person to person, but it is definitely important to do. It’s not always possible to physically leave your town, but even a day off can be restorative to your mind, body and spirit.
I’ve decided that while a week to 10 days of a vacation is lovely, the benefits of unplugging should really be happening more than once a year. Here are some ways I’ve been brainstorming to spend just a day “off” - now that I’m going to be better about doing so! 😉
Beach/Pool Day.
Spend the day going to a nearby beach or pool. Pack a lunch or grab one on the way. It gets you outside, filling you with some vitamin D and relaxation all at the same time. This can even be an afternoon off!
Self-Care Day.
Grab a friend or go by yourself to have a massage, facial, or get your nails done. Whatever it is that appeals to you! Go for a walk, get in some exercise, eat healthy meals, plan some healthy meals (for days ahead) & go to bed early. Your body will thank you and you will feel great!
Go take a hike!
We have some great hiking areas here in Wisconsin. For those of you elsewhere - I bet you do as well! Scout out a trail and get out for a walk. Maybe even spend the night if you go somewhere farther from your home. Going somewhere even for a night can be just the break you need!
Learn something new.
This could even be related to your job - something you’ve been meaning to learn but keep putting off. Take the time to change gears and get it done! Maybe you’ve wanted to take a cooking class or learn how to crochet. There are so many things you can learn online if you can’t find a class in person.
Catch-Up Day.
What if you took a day to catch up with both your to-do list around the house and with a friend (or friends) you haven’t seen in a while? Wouldn’t that feel great?! Instead of trying to squeeze a project into an already busy weekend - give yourself a day to get it done and cross it off your list!
I will stop here for now - but there are so many more ideas I could share! And I would love to know yours - please share in the comments below!
Cheers to staying healthy & happy! ❤️ Theresa