Design GOLD at the end of the Rainbow!

It might sound overly simplistic, but the fact is that great design can get you noticed. It can take your message from blah to brilliant in just a few easy steps, and that impacts your wallet.

If your ideal client can identify you with an image, they stop the scroll. Making sure that your images are working for you isn’t difficult, but it does take effort. Simple design principles are key, and applying these to your graphics can make a difference in the way you present yourself.

Proximity can be used to show relationships in your content. By grouping like items together, using font, color and size, you draw the eye of the client to the relationship of the items.  Think about when you look at a menu, you might see headers that look the same in font, color and size, and then items underneath with similar characteristics that are grouped for ease and continuity.

White space gives you a crisp look and the simplicity can be very appealing to the clients’ eye. This doesn’t always mean literal ‘white space’ on the image, but perhaps a background that is simple and uncluttered. Even our eyes need a moment to relax and take in the message!

Alignment helps you create order, not chaos in your designs. Have you ever seen a flyer or mailer with SO much going on that your eyes aren’t sure where to land? Alignment can help to structure the way that you observe and absorb the information, creating peace and order.

Being a professional designer for over 25 years (crazy, I know! I started when I was 5, FYI), these principles are instinctive to me. But they aren’t for everybody, and that’s ok. They can be taught, and with practice, mastered. You, too, can create with pride and showcase YOUR personal style.

These principles, and more, are the key to creating images that will help you reach that pot of gold! If I’ve piqued your interest, send me a note at and I’ll send you information on my upcoming course, Blah to Brilliant Designs, and YOU can learn how to make DIY look like a professional project. Unleash your creativity and grow in your skills at the same time!


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